
Sara Tomić was born in Podgorica in 1999., where she finished elementary as well as highschool. She is in her fourth year of architecture. In free time, she participates in student exhibitions, and in various architectural competitions, where she has achieved great success. For her, inspiration mostly comes from photography and film.

David Todorović, film director and screenwritter, was born 1999 in Podgorica.

Masters student at FDU Cetinje, at which he graduated film and TV direction. He is an autor of 4 short fiction films, which are:

Peglagedon 2020

Spooks 2021

All, in it’s own time 2021

We never talk 2022

He is also an autor in 2 short documentary films

Salina 2019 as a co-autor

& Third Luck 2021 as a director.

He is also directing a project in develepment, a short fiction film Rebel, which is supported by the Film centre of Montenegro. 

Sara Lakićević was born in 2000 in Podgorica, Montenegro, where she lives. After graduating from the High School of Economics in Podgorica, in 2019 she enrolled in undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Visual Arts at the University “Mediterranean”, where she was declared a student of the generation and where she is currently finishing her third year. She is engaged in illustration, photography and painting.