Teen Docs


UnderhillFest with the support of company One after two years of a pause is again starting Teen Docs – school of documentary film for students of high school.

The  school will last from 11. untill 13. June in Podgorica. Educators will be Vuk Perović– movie critique and selector of UnderhillFest and Mladen Ivanović – movie director.


School Teen Docs is made up on ideas for highschoolers to better understand the world of documentaries in hope of opening a new door to one very creative world. Also, young people will record short documentary films which will be shown on the closing of the UnderhillFest in Njegosev park in Podgorica.


EDUCATORS: Vuk Perovic and Mladen Ivanovic

STUDENTS:  Students of Gymnasium “Slobodan Skerovic” from Podgorica and from Danilovgrad, Gymnasium “Petar Prvi Petrovic Njegos”.

PLACE: Main building of company One( Rimski trg 4, Podgorica)

DATE: 11, 12. and 13. Of June 2022